Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Eye of the .... Tyne

Comical puns.

Ye old Newcastle. Good old bridge fun.

Well, half term is nearing towards us rapidly, which is the best moment I could hear after my 9 week half term. Which is longer than a term. Seriously sick of school routine at the moment, who wants to get up at half 7 everyday? Nope, no siree.

So John and I have had a bit of a fight recently, and I know this sounds cliche to think that its never my fault but this time I felt like it was. For the first time in nearly three years, John was angry. For as long as I'd known him he never raised his voice to me, unless he was trying to calm me down or I was drunk. I could tell he was upset. When thinking back, why he was angry was his fault, he was being stupid essentially but the way he phrased it hurt the most.

"I just want to do something for me for a change."

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