
By Poppy

Homeward bound

Nothing like the amount of snow that there is further south, but enough to make you think twice about driving.  This morning we had to, because Ollie had an appointment at the vet to get a growth taken off his leg.  

Kate was able to do it under local anaesthetic using diathermy, ie burning it out, so neatly done and no blood at all.  Ollie had a good IV dose of diazepam beforehand and he was ever so good.  I was able to stay with him and that was reassuring for both of us!  

He was pretty woozy for the rest of the day and just wanted to sleep.  We usually go round and visit B in the afternoon, but today I went and brought her back here so she could see how "the Treasure" was!  She has dementia and seeing Ollie means a lot to her.   She is his favourite neighbour, always full of treats for him, but today he couldn't even manage a gravy bone!  

Thankfully, by bed time, he was back to his old self and was able to climb the stairs unaided!


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