Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Happy Days

from my small wind-up toy collection. This little guy is cute - he cycles round and dings the bicycle bell every so often.

Day 3 indoors and freezer nearly empty. The dogs are looking at me wondering what’s the white stuff in the back garden and why does it make their belly so cold. They are jack russells and snow is deeper than their short little legs. so when they go out, all you can see is their bodies and their heads.

Consolations are that I am doing some water colour paintings and watching good films. Yesterday I watched Shane on Film4 and then ‘The Darjeeling’ on dvd. Here is a link showing the closing scene where the 3 brothers discard their luggage (surely a metaphor for losing the baggage of the past) and the soundtrack is good too.

The big melt is on and congrats to all the workers who took care of others during these days of snow and blizzards.

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