Cat cards

Job hunting is such a pain in the arse. Just when I finally have a BFA, the job market dries up. Talk about good timing.

I'm always trying to live better, and I think I'm doing a good job. However, there's always room for improvement. MSN had a slideshow today with 13 signs that you'll live longer. Judging by what's on the list, I'll probably live to 100. Here's the list if you don't feel like going through the slideshow:

1. Your mom had you when she was under 25. [Check. My mom was 22 or 23.]
2. You drink one or two cups of green or black tea a day.
3. You walk at least 30 minutes a day. [Check. What would you expect from a city girl like me?]
4. You don't drink soda. [Check. I stopped drinking pop when I was 12.]
5. You have strong legs. [Check. My legs are pretty strong, in my opinion.]
6. You eat purple food -- blueberries, red wine, grapes. [Check. Frozen grapes and blueberry smoothies!]
7. You were a healthy-weight teen. [Check. When I was in high school, I thought I was fat, despite being on the swim team, soccer team, and volleyball team. Cue the eye roll.]
8. You eat less than 18 oz of red meat a week. [Check. I wonder if being a vegetarian heightens your chances of living longer.]
9. You've had more than 12 years of education. [Check. I'm a college graduate, y'all!]
10. You have a good, healthy relationship with your friends. [Check. I love you guys!]
11. Your friends maintain a healthy lifestyle. [Check. I can't think of anyone in my circle of friends who isn't conscious of their own health.]
12. You're a clean person. [Check. I'm no slob!]
13. You're a flourisher. [Check. I like to think that I have a positive outlook on life.]

Twelve out of thirteen? Not bad at all! I wonder what life is going to be like in 2086.

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