Chris's Blips

By ChrisG12


We decided to walk down to Puerto De Mogan harbour this afternoon for a coffee.

We chose a cafe overlooking one of the harbours and they did really nice coffee along with ice cream for the children. child4 was fascinated by one of the lobsters in a tank waiting for a customer to chose it, until the owner took it out of the tank to give her a closer look. It ended in tears, a bit too close for comfort I think. It was a lovely spot though on another hot day.

This was one of the gorgeous back streets surrounding the place.

Later on I went for a ride to the top of the island and back on a bike a rented. Such an amazing route but very tough on parts of the climb even though I waited as long as possible before heading out. Luckily there was a hut that hadn't closed just at the point I ran out of water in my bottles - I would never have got to the top otherwise. Unfortunately the road surface wasn't great about a third of the way back down the descent which slowed me down meaning I pedalled the last half hour or so in darkness wearing my shades; thankfully most of that bit was reasonably flat.

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