
Out and about delivering today.Nice to have had some orders in and we have a few more for tomorrow and later in the week.People are still being very cautious about what they order and orders for Prims have been very slow.
As we near the calamity that will be brexit and the possibility of a socialist government on the horizon I fear that trading conditions will become more difficult.I hope I am wrong but with a government who couldn't negotiate their way out of a paper bag and old fashioned socialism that has been proven time and time again to be disastrous what can you say.
Perhaps all is not lost.One day Corbyn may sprout a pair of balls and stand up for us remaining in Europe or May may do the right, honest and honourable thing and give the country the chance to vote on the deal on offer. Politics at the moment is rather depressing.

The large version looks brighter.

Mainly cloudy with a few light shower.Feeling a lot milder.

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