
A full day out at London Zoo. I went once when I was a kid, probably about 9 or 10 and can remember absolutely loving it. First time I'd been back since and, after getting over the initial shock of just how quiet the place was (like, really empty almost) I was struck by how it was all looking rather run-down and a bit generally low-key in its attractions, not like I'd remembered it at all. Not that I minded, it just seemed like it was really trading on its 'old zoo' status when so many zoos have incredibly elaborate enclosures and features these days. We had a good fun day out and a cracking bus ride home in the dark and the rain from Camden high Street back to our Turnpike Lane destination, a route that brought us up through Green Lanes, which was absolutely heaving at 6pm on Sunday with all the Turkish restaurants, bakeries and grocers looking very inviting indeed. Next time, next time....

I had a song in my head all day for now reason whatsoever. It was this one.

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