
By Kathee

Vintage Memories

Royals like this were long gone when I hit high school,. Replaced by smaller, snazzier manual machines. That still required  striking stiff unyielding keys.

College counselors suggested taking a typing class. You know, the ones taught by lovers of  minutiae. My class started with one- hand warm-up’s.
Like typing : aaa, asa, aaa, ada, aqa, aza.

Grades were based on timed tests. Typing non-stop from a book.
Errors. Better not make them. Each one subtracted from your WPM.

I never improved much. Finally getting transferred to Study Hall,
For not trying hard enough.

My Solution
Teach myself with a how-to book and old typewriter. I graduated typing 120 wpm with few errors. In college, my moneymaker, was making attractive term papers. Now we know some people just learn differently

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