
Some post course admin this morning then a great physio session this afternoon.
There's clearly a way to go, but I can feel a real improvement in my neck and the associated nerve pain. The physio reckons a lot of my issues have arisen from
(a) too many years of using very specific back muscles from climbing whilst not using others at all because the big muscles could 'cheat'.
(b) the very sudden cessation of activity that the ankle injury has brought on.
(c) a mountaineer's ability to put something like pain or injury in a box and say "I'll deal with it later"
(without, of course, ever doing so)

I've decided to accept her insistence that I do actually have all these unused muscles - but we are both coming to the conclusion that my brain may not yet be connected to them. We've had several instance of "just do x and y..." to which I've had to reply "I've literally no idea how to"
Fortunately we're both still laughing....

I thought I'd go for a wander in Low Borrowdale afterwards, but the poor cattle are all stuck in the woods at the moment as this steep sided valley is full of snow, but at least the farmer has been able to get food to them. Much as I love a lonely wander even I draw the line at knee deep manure.....

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