Heltor Rock Dartmoor

I was out with our local walking group today.  Unfortunately it was rather small and we just hope no one was left behind as due to a road closure we were unable to get to the first meeting point where we share cars.  Either way we had a lovely walk on a day with plenty of sunshine and even came across areas of snow that were fairly deep in patches.  

We started off along a ridgeway climbing up a hill where we surprised four deer who quickly disappeared down into the steep valley.   We headed to Heltor Rock for a coffee break,  where this shot was taken.  Some lovely views here and then walked around to Mardon Down where we encountered the 'headless cross' and had our lunch.  Apparently it is just a standing stone and was never a cross having been renamed for Christian purposes.

We then headed down to the Teign valley walking along the river in search of the wild daffodils.  Many were present but the snow has delayed their flowering and most were still to flower.  A great very varied walk finished in the traditional way with a very nice cream tea.

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