Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Tiny Tuesday

Work today so little out of sorts from my usual routine.

Prompt start to our meeting first thing, lots of discussion around “conversations” and the flow of the process.

Stopped off at the bank on the way to the office. Had to get in the queue - a lot if banks are “self serve” now, with staff holding a tablet to see how they can help customers. I was paying in old £10 notes and £1 coins in so unable to do at the self serve. Unfortunately it was lunchtime, long queue. They won’t exchange the notes/coins anymore but have to pay into an account.

With Caleb being at hospital recently and the doctors the other day, he has worked out the things get put in your ear - this is a forehead thermometer. Each day he is improving, more teeth are looming :)

Day off tomorrow :)


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