
In Edinburgh to meet up with dwalletta for lunch and some art stuff. Obviously inspired by my blip yesterday we headed for Spoons via the Stills gallery for a look at Collected Shadows, some 200 photographs plucked from the extensive Archive of Modern Conflict (AMC). Described as an eclectic display it certainly lived up to that description and wasn't what was expected of it given the raison d'etre of AMC.

After lunch we headed across the road to the Talbot Rice Gallery for a look at the work of David Claerbout with Travel  my favourite piece of his and Rachel Maclean's Spite Your Face – originally made for Chiesa di Santa Caterina in Venice. A rip-roaring 37 minute colour fest referencing the Italian folk-tale The Adventures of Pinocchio (see extra).

Well worth a visit, and Spoons was very good too. In a less arty, more culinary way of course...

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