any old iron

There is an old church a few hundred metres from where I work. I pass it twice a day. Today I had a 200mm f4 lens and decided to see what it saw and this emerged. Old, rusted, no purpose except being ornate. Yet missed by most of us. A grace note to the building as it were.
And yet a ironsmith spent time making what a craftsperson had designed - both knowing that the handiwork would remain, mostly, unobserved.
So I pass this on, observed, photographed and recorded.
So many of the small things we do go unobserved and yet they matter. The impact of what we do, who we are, is never measured in terms of how many comments we get or how many people notice that small thing we did. It is valued in perpetuity, in terms of generosity and grace.
Its impact may never be known in our lifetime. But it will matter to someone.

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