
Thank you, all you wonderful blippers for the congratulations yesterday. You have inspired and taught me a lot; I wouldn't be at this point at least photographically speaking. It's been a long journey and it will continue.

Today we went to Grönviksbäcken climbing the rocks. On the path leading through the alder woods I stopped many times and just listened to the silence. There was no wind and the few birds we saw didn't make much of a noise. The only sound we could here were our steps on the wet ground and some small streams crossing the path now and then.

Arriving to Grönviksbäcken is always an ahh-moment, to see the huge rocks and the open sea makes my heart jump. The sky was grey, the clouds were hanging very low touching the horizon. There were nobody else but us. Those are the moments when I feel very small as a human being, I feel that I kind of blend in into the scene. When I breath, I breath with my whole body, the air just goes through me.

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