Murphy 1 - John 2 : I win

Murphy's Law  "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong" and this morning it was exactly that...

My dad taught me "Sometimes it's not what you know, but who you know"

When I got to work this morning, I noticed that there was two trailers going to one customer, at the same appointment time, same day, and that customer only has room for one truck and if your early you will be ticketed for blocking a federal highway.. oh and both trailers were hand unload.. Murphy scores one...

So I woke up my boss at 00:45 and got permission to call the emergency line in Texas to see what they wanted to do.. Sure enough they made a mistake and since the other trailer had multiple drops, it needed to be delivered first. They told me to be at least a half hour late and hopefully they could get ahold of the other driver and customer.. Sure enough, they did. The other driver got there early and was leaving as I pulled up. They then had 3 other people help me (normally it's just one) knowing that I had limited time on my work clock. I never seen 98 appliances unloaded so fast. John scores one..

I called my boss and said I'll be driving to the yard "old style". You know, hammer down, listen to the bear reports and... My boss knew she would be explaining to safety why my "defensive driving radar unit" would be going off all the time.. she also knew that she didn't want me to sleep in the truck.. less work I could do tomorrow..  Of course there was no tailgating or weaving in and out of traffic but....  The company computer said I had worked 13 hours and 29 minutes when I got to the yard.. 31 minutes shy of turning into a pumpkin..  John gets lucky and scores again

Tomorrow it will just be a leisurely 300 mile drive.. This was the only photo I took this morning.. Trees with the rising sun.. then played with it.. 

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