The 12th Green

Having missed out on Tuesday's round (and Henri having missed a lot of golf while he's been away looking after his father-in-law), we were all keen to get back on the course today on what was an almost Spring-like morning.

The golf wasn't bad either: apart from the occasional lengthy delay, normally followed by an indifferent shot, I continued to be able to hit the ball more quickly most of the time; almost got a birdie 3 here at the 12th.

This afternoon, we took Chris's bike back to Halford's to order a new back wheel. A few weeks back, someone managed to get in to the designated, locked bike storage room in his block of flats, steal his rear wheel, despite it being padlocked, relocated the door then rip the lock off so that Chris didn't discover the theft until the flat maintenance company came to replace the lock two weeks later. He was not happy.

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