Place: Clearwater, FL 53/73 > Nashville, TN 45/64
Main activity: Driving
Notes: Rough day starting with locking both sets of keys in car and getting on the road 45-60 min later than planned. Tifton, GA stop for gas (overflowed and was gushing all over) and Starbucks (egg white wrap not cooked thru). Driving ok until about 945a when rain started and was near-torrential and low-visibility for almost 3 hrs, thru downtown Atlanta -very stressful. Finally cleared the storm, got thru Chatt and was ready to roll on I-24, then huge backup of stop and go - felt like hrs, was probably about 30 min. Finally moving again, not much left and rolled into Nashville with gas light on. Somehow made it 29 miles to exit for Derek & Molly's. Felt completely shot, but had to do a little work, caught up with them and then out for Mexican. To bed early. 

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