A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

And rest

It’s all been a bit bonkers and reading has been neglected.

Made sure it elbowed its way in today.

The bonkers is all good though. J did 80% of the week at school and 2 bouldering sessions. Anna’s netball trounced the neighbouring private school 15-3 which serves them right for patronising them with their D team to play her A team. That’ll learn ‘em. I had another interesting meeting with lots of ideas about my new project. And am sort of possibly getting to grips with the new lenses in my glasses. Not varifocals (yet. As my optician is far too fond of saying) but heading in that direction as I tackle the need to be middle sighted. First hour or two was like wearing a migraine but I think I’m getting there.

And the wanderer is at the airport and hopefully homeward bound by the time the household wakes.

Happy days
Lesley x

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