One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Parent teacher meeting

We are parents.
They are teachers.
We met. 

The Luca is grand. 
At one stage I felt like I had to flip out the smart phone and show them a photograph of the actual Luca. I've been a teacher. I know those who read comments from a list without actually being able to make a connection between the child's name and the individual in their class. 

'Well behaved. Polite. A pleasure to have in the class. Participating in class. The right kind of participation'

Look at my phone. 
Look, that's Luca.
What? No flinching? 

Jeez, they are talking about our Luca. 
He is doing grand. 

On the ground here is Mrs Raheny's parka. SuperDry (in Ireland, it should be rebranded SuperDryMyArse). EUR8 in the secondhand shop.
I really know how to splash out on her. 

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