Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

The Hunt

My car is still awaiting parts to repair the water pump so the garage offered me a courtesy car today. As W was out for the day, I had to make my own way to pick it up which, as there are no weekend buses through our village, involved a 2.5 mile walk to the next village to catch a bus to town. I got to use my new bus pass for the first time though!

As I was walking I could hear dogs barking in the distance so realised the Hunt was out. Like many people, I have fairly strong views about hunting but whether I am for it or against it is a matter for me and my conscience, and certainly not something I am going to debate here. However, whichever way you view it, there is no doubt that photographically, it is a good opportunity. Unfortunately, I hadn't brought along my camera so I had to just take a few shots on my phone. This was of some of the riders passing me along the lane; the pack of dogs had gone down the other side of a field so whilst I got some shots, they were all in the distance.

I've added an extra of a fairly regular sight at the end of our lane, near where the main shot was taken. It's a 90 degree bend which used to have a big arrow sign until a car crashed through it, and I think at least one car a week drives far too fast up here and misses the turn. No-one (to my knowledge) has ever been seriously hurt but plenty of cars have been damaged. The farmer has helpfully put a very large pile of manure there so any cars have a soft, if somewhat aromatic, landing.

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