
By Veronica


Last cat blip: 28 September! By 5 pm today I hadn't taken any photos, so I thought I'd better get some in the bag. As usual, as soon as I pointed the camera at Mystère, he either a) turned disdainfully away or b) headed straight for me and shoved his nose into the lens.

I'm glad he's settled in so well here. When we spent two months in Andalusia last year, he absolutely hated it. We were in a traditional pueblo blanco which turned out to have a large population of aggressive tomcats. We couldn't let him out on his own -- he'd have been ripped apart. So we had to live with a very grumpy, yowling cat.

We chose this place in part for its cat-friendly qualities. He has a large garden full of trees, shrubs, and twittering birds that he can call his own. It's not his own, it's the neighbour's, but that's immaterial. Because most of the houses are holiday houses, it's very quiet too, and there's a handy window that we can leave open so he can come and go as he pleases. Maybe he'll be disappointed to go home :)

Just as well I did bag this emergency blip, because I found no blipportunities in Begur's sole Indian restaurant! The food was better than we expected. But, note to proprietor, please don't have a large-screen TV showing a National Geographic documentary of lions ripping the guts out of not-yet-dead buffaloes while your clients are eating :-/

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