Makin' a Hash of it

Today's been pretty mixed:

Felt ill, so didn't go to school, which gave me time to get some work done and whine about the possible things I have fed myself to make me feel this way.

It worked out a bit too conveniently, as a shiney new thing (see camera details below photo) I'd ordered on t'interweb arrived before I passed out again (sometime before 11am). This of course distracted me from my "Pathology catch up" day, and meant I had to play with the precious newness. Including some self-portraits I was kinda happy with, even if I had yesterdays (facial as well as coronal) hair and last month's face. But I don't want to subject you to my mug just yet, so instead have a... do you know what it is?

This lovely macro pattern and bad pun of a title sums up my Pathology productivity, which took a back burner (as did the vomiting...)

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