By purgis


Back from holiday with friends. Six adults and four kids. It was exhausting at times ... traveling with kids and all, but more fun than anything else! We got really lucky with the weather ... seven days ... all sunny and shit. It rained the week before and the week after (thunderstorms)!

It was our first vacation abroad with Tomi and if planned right, we would do it again next year. Sure Tomi is too young to remember it when hes all grown up, but he remembers it now. Still pointing to the sky and he really likes to watch the pictures. He was so happy running around with the other kids and playing in the sand.

Because it was a hotel holiday (not much exiting to shoot with camera) I bought a underwater kit so I had something to do there :) Got some cool shots in the sea as well, will post later!

In the picture Ivo jumping in to the pool!

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