
By TusCat

Italian retired men

Italian retired men spend their mornings out in the square. They are gently kicked out of their houses where retired Italian women do their housework and cook. In fact, Italian retired women need a bit of “me time” and can’t bear the company of their husbands for a whole day! On the other hand, Italian retired men can’t wait to be kicked out! They have their mates to go and discuss with. Favourite topics are football, politics and gossip in general. Each village, town or city has got their main square where the retired Italian men gather! The town where I live is no exception. Today, they are all assembled under the town hall portico. It’s unnecessary to tell you it is raining, isn’t it? I would insult your intelligence if I told you!

If you observe the crowd daily, you would understand that they never station in the same area in the square. In winter, when it’s cold, the Italian retired men stand in the sun; in the summer, when it is hot, they stand in the shade; when it rains, they use the portico!

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