Mad house

This evening Miss H came over to see me for mother’s day, the first opportunity she has had. We had tea together as a family and then Mr H went off to a meeting about the shamrock Shuffle on Saturday which we are helping at, and Miss H and I went foot fiddling.

Lovely for Miss H to meet up with P and M as it is sometime time since she’s seen them.

Photo is gorgeous Reggie wearing the cone of shame!
Reggie has had a cyst on his right elbow for 3 years or so. It has been checked every time we’ve been to the vets for any reason and last week when he had his booster we were pleased to hear it was smaller than previously. Just as I was leaving for work this morning, the post man walked up the drive. Reggie always has to let him know that such invasion of privacy is not acceptable and barked loudly at the window. As he jumped down to run the the door just to check it hadn’t been breached the window the, radiator, floor, settee and probably other surfaces yet to be discovered, were showered in blood. Doggy first aid stopped blood flow, but I could see quite what had happened so got him to the vets. Some how he has managed to slice the top off the cyst. Thankfully didn’t need stitching, but he needs to leave it alone hence the cone of shame and has a week of antibiotics.

Got back in from the vets , to a house that looked like a murder scene, so had to wash every thing before I got in to work!

Thankfully much better than yesterday again, but still have felt better!

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