
It pays not to think things such as "no kitten accidents, yay!".

Yep, as I was getting ready for work Jasper peed on my bed. With hindsight he gave me a warning just before it happened but I didn't join the dots :-(

Fortunately I had the bed stripped before it soaked through to the electric blanket and mattress. Still, it's been a big clean up operation.

It was just the excitement of a new day, seeing Mummy, and a full bladder. He won't have free reign to either bed without supervision until he's a big boy.

Here he is late in the day he helping me make the bed ;-)

Dad's had a trying day today. Hospital is the best place for him at present.

Today's gratitude: For Dad's attitude. He's grateful for all the care and expertise he receives at hospital. Each blood transfusion he's taken something for the nurse's morning tea and over time figured out what they like best. Today he gave them a beautiful cake lovingly cooked and iced by my neice, to thank the staff for everything they've done for him. What an amazing example he's given us.

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