
By Houseonahill6

Brownie visitors

Our visitors made it to Brownies in the end tonight.A slight delay in their entrance due to a call out for Nick in Inverness but we managed to fit in our hour with a variety of amazing,exotic creatures.
First we met the Hissing cockroaches who are given a bad name mainly because they live in the dirt that us humans create. We Did hear them hiss as the girls sat very quietly.
Nick popped one in his mouth and said it tasted of peanut butter, nice ! Mind you they are full of protein and produce less methane than a cow ;)
Next was the Giant Millipede who did a poo on the floor so much laughter, even more laughter when it did another one on one of the girls hands when it curled round her hand like a bracelet.Lots of handwash used after !
Rosie the spider made an appearance, then the glow in the dark scorpion, Doughnut the lizard with it’s spiny back and ability to make itself flat to avoid a predator which the girls enjoyed stroking .
One small albino snake and then Sam the massive albino Burmese python.What an amazing snake, so soft and warm to touch, I think he was the girls favourite :)
Off to see King Creosote supported by Hamish Hawk at The Stables in Cromarty, very good and a great venue.
Oh and it was one of the Brownies birthdays and she brought in delicious chocolate cake, yum,yum :)

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