
By cowgirl


I called in at the farm after my morning job today. Jean and Graham were milking alone as all 3 daughters have their own jobs ( or live down south, in Lou’s case ) during the day. Jean was allowed to have coffee with me, although I did offer to take refreshments to the milking shed so’s Graham could have a slurp of tea too. Lucky Jean said don’t bother as the school phoned to say Mary has chicken pox so could she come to take her home! Meanwhile, I helped Graham milk the last naughty cow ( she kept trying to kick him, so I had to pinch her nose in order the discipline her ) and then made more cups of tea for a visitor that had just arrived. As Jean arrived with a ‘feeling sorry for herself’ Mary, I had to go to my afternoon job.

All went well until about 4.30pm, when I had an unfortunate accident with a horseshoe. The unfortunate bit being the fact it was still attached to a horse ... see the extra if you’re not too squeamish!

I’m posting this the day after, so I can tell you I’m having a day off as can’t lift my arm and my poor badly bitten tongue is too swollen to allow me to talk properly! Other than that, I’m ok. It’s not as bad as it looks and the cricket ball sized swelling on my shoulder has already shrunk down to a more reasonable lump!

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