secret garden

By freespiral

This life one leaf

"time is a tree (this life one leaf)
but love is the sky and i am for you
just so long and long enough"
? E.E. Cummings

What a very good film Monsieur Lazhar was - melancholy and sad but beautifully made. A look at grief and how it affects people differently. A look at the things we keep inside and how we occasionally reveal them. A look at how we read each, other often totally wrongly. Highly recommended, especially if you're a teacher . More about it here.

Caught up with stuff this morning and into work this afternoon bearing a large pumpkin. Yes, pumpkin carving ensued amidst much excitment. The big room was doing something similar so the rather odd smell of pumpkin pervaded.

On to Bantry to pick up reprints of my school history book - already in second edition!!!
Ladies' Book club has been postponed as so many people couldn't make it. I now have a very clean house and large cake.
Today's blip - just one of the many rather beautiful colours going on in the garden at the moment.

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