
By memento

Fabricaholic's time.

The cupboard with my collection of fabrics and textiles has, up till now, escaped the great clean-out that we started over Christmas.

Perhaps I shall open a little store...

...or perhaps all I need to do is sort and stack them into neat piles again:

- the I-can't-part-with-it-because-it's-too-cool-or-gorgeous-pile (like this small piece of gossamer metallic silk organza)

- the I-can't-part-with-it because-it-has-too-much-beautiful handwork or ethnic-embroidery-pile

- the I-can't-part-with-it because-even-though-I-don't-have-a-use-for-it-right-now-I-know-I-will-some-day-pile

- the I-may-be-able-to-part-with-it-if-someone-else-really-really-wants-it-pile

- the I-should-hang-on-to-it-because-someone-might-need-it-for-their-Halloween-costume-pile

and finally
the I-am-sure-I-can-use-it-the-very-least-I'll-cut-a-small-square-of-it-and-include-it-in-a-memory-quilt-pile

You see, fabric collection is not a problem if you take the time to sew the pieces up into something...maybe that's what I need to do..pick one, any one and make something, till the cupboard is empty. That's it, I'll start working on Christmas presents early!

Yay, problem solved! Besides, if I use it all up, I can get more...

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