knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1

Autumn colours again

Went down to my mums today to do some work for my dad and have a catch up with my mum.
Had to have a wander around the garden and get some pics of the lovely autumn colours at the moment. Camera is still great and still loving it.
Stopped by Sainsburys on the way back and remembered I had to get presents for a party Thom is going to at the weekend. Had to get things for girls which completely threw me. Boys toys are so much better and easier to shop for.
When we got back home Thom and I finished off his Zombie outfit for Hallowe'en. I decided to be a good mum this year and actually try and make it, especially as it was fairly easy. He's got 2 paper mache Zombie masks and I set to with scissors and rotary cutter to some old clothes, before we attacked them with food colouring. Actually looks quite good and Thom is really happy with it.
Better go and do some weaving whilst watching to see what my old camera kit sells for on ebay.

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