Imagine the view....

By btc

Piccadilly Circus...

...I tried, I really tried to get any different angle I could find to make the circus look original, I have to admit defeat, I have a few photos that may have been passable but in the end i decided to give my panoramic seamer in photoshop a work out.

That aside today was mainly spent awaiting a package, another lens, a telephoto at that (I'm shamed) but i'm off travelling and can't take all me prime lenses with me, plus its nice to have a bit of extra length (as the actress said to the bishop).

Then it was time for parents evening, not that they do them in the evening anymore so they should change the name, but its nice that although I have the two most handsome boys that ever lived, to have teachers tell you how clever and what wonderful human beings they are, but then I already knew that too.

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