Like mother, like daughter

As expected, it was cold, bitterly cold, with snow and hail showers. Until #3 daughter arrived with Ella and Nathaniel, the boys amused themselves, James with cars and bricks, Thomas with drawing. I got out the Blurb Antarctica book to show him the different types and he was fascinated by the fledglings and chicks, so drew some king penguins, coloured them and cut them out. I managed to get him to do his reading book but he really doesn’t like it!

We all had chicken casserole for lunch, then they played in the road on scooters, go-kart and bikes. After that we went inside. Nathaniel, James and I made fruit scones, while Thomas and Ella did some crafts. Then Ella settled down to finish her thank you letters, while her mum did her marking.

So that the marking could get finished Mr C and I took the children up through the woods to the big rock for climbing. The snow came on really heavily so we had to hurry back so that daughter and her two could get home.

They were cold and tired by the time we got back. #2 daughter and husband and friends will be celebrating Ireland’s rugby win over England, particularly good on St Patrick’s Day.

My arthritic foot is really painful - after we get tidied up a bit, Mr C will be pouring the gin - a large one please.

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