Blip Mojo Missing

I assume it is normal to lose your blip mojo when you pass 900 without fanfare. Although to be fair, it was gone prior to 900...

Today I have mostly felt overwhelmed with the phenomenal amount of trivial crap I have to deal with every day. It started shortly after midnight...

Due to Red putting his PJs on before tea, I forgot to put a nappy on him at bedtime. Which meant that when I went up to bed and found clean laundry mountains stacked on my bed, when I put Red's stuff away I discovered he'd wet the bed. So I duely changed him and the bed and woke myself up completely...

As I was nodding off an hour or so later, the smallest boy appeared in my bed...

He and Lily decided just before 6 that is was time to get up. There is only so much resistance I can manage on such sleep deprivation so up I got. Never at my best in the morning, it was never going to be a happy jolly affair, especially with packed lunches to make...

All was much better once I met up with Michelle for coffee. She followed me to the garage to drop the strangely stale urine stinking Galaxy off for it's late MOT then took me to the St Michaels for coffee. It was blissful just sitting and chatting and somehow we lost the entire morning!

The afternoon was spent trying to tidy up with Red assisting. The garage rang to let me know the Galaxy failed and needs a new side light unit (broken glass), front brakes, an exhaust and 3 tyres...

Dropped a load of stuff at the charity shop and picked up a £3 car seat for Red to take on holiday (after leaving the one I meant to take at my mum's).

Decided I could no longer be arsed and took the kids to Pizza Express where they were absolute stars!

Back home to tackle bedrooms. Red flooded the bathroom trying to chase Ally out of the bath then learnt how to open his bedroom door! But I have managed to do a declutter(ish) of Bella the hoarder's room!

Chilling out with a bit of Casualty and a Scream egg before making a start on the ironing mountain and tomorrow's packed lunches...

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