The Captain's Log

After finally booking the triathlon last night I bought a little note book today and have started a triathlon training log .

Not so much of an obsessive log of all excercise, nutrition and calories burnt ( " I ate two cress leaves and then ran the Sahara desert with a jeep on my back " ) kind of a log, just a brief overview of whether I have done any training . It'll become more complex as the months go on ( it's ok I realised you have switched off now.. ) I am also trying to find a quote a day to keep me going. Today's one is so annoyingly self righteous that I can't write it here but it'll do the trick of kicking me up the butt which is the idea.

This quote on the front of my log is much nicer and is one my Dad wrote when he was dying. We think it's his own and I have probably quoted it on Blip before but it's too good not to be on the front . I love it so and it's for us all I guess. So have the quote with love from me.

Once again I am so very far behind with you all on blip and it's not that I don't care I do, but I am not engaging with the community very well primarily because things are still hard and I am trying to get out and excercise to keep me from reaching for the gin at breakfast level headed and time is short at the moment. I am also not proud of many of my shots at the moment so it's easier to post a shot and run away quitely!

I will try and have a catch up later as you have all been so lovely when things are not so cracking.


172 sleeps.
Absolute Beginners

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