Brighter than white

It snowed yesterday & last night and in places there are small drifts around the garden. I had decided to go down to the canal 1st thing today but when I went out to melt the ice for the birds & put some extra food out I decided against that idea as was so-o cold. Iit must be warming up now because the snow & ice is gradually thawing, but we  still have that biting  cold wind.

I had thought I would pop out for a little stroll before lunch but having opened the door & had that blast of cold wind in my face I am resigned to the fact that I'm staying put, and anyway when I spotted these Hyacinths bent double in the snow I thought that the shot would be ok for today's blip.. 

I had a particularly bad night last night pain wise & feel fairly tired so I might try to have an hour on the sofa later on. I've always had arthritic pain in my left elbow but at the moment I am getting pain in my right elbow & shoulder as well. The shoulder is starting to worry me now because despite resting it as much as possible it doesn't seem to improve. I may have to visit the Doc for a change 

Sorry.... I'm moaning again.......really I should be saying thanks for all of your kind comments & stars & hearts etc etc.

I will speak to you later.

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