
By CharlieBrown

Good Grief 366

Church of Varengeville, In the morning, 1882

So much that I have wanted to write but I struggle to keep up here. Today I did a little bit of tidying and sorting. Not much but I came across this calendar that he was so fond of. Looking at it today I was reminded what a full time job all the appointments were.

As it was so snowy today I walked from home. I unintentionally completed a walk I started, but did not complete, years ago when my husband was too ill to walk far so I had decided to do a walk straight from home whilst he stayed and rested indoors. I managed to pass through one field of cows (they freak me out somewhat) in spite of them having congregated around the gate and then navigated my way along some tricky bits of confusing paths to just past the half way point. I was then confronted by a field of more cows with calves. It was a stand off. I looked at the cows, the cows looked at me. That was the clincher. I couldn’t avoid them and couldn’t face carrying on and so, in tears, I rang my husband who picked me up in the car. I got in the driver’s seat to drive us back and got home mildly hysterical realising I had been looking at the cows and reality had been looking back at me.

Today, no cows and much snow. It was tiring but very beautiful and I didn’t see a soul.

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