Breathe In And Out...

By ScotNatureBoy

Saluting the Admiral

Although I'm a few days behind with my blipfoto entries, I couldn't wait to post this one. A decent butterfly opportunity in my garden for the first time this year! Another phone camera photo, this is of a red admiral butterfly (scientific name: Vanessa atalanta) feeding today on a Calendula marigold flower in my garden in lunchtime sunshine. The caterpillars of this butterfly feed on nettles (yay!) and this is often the last species of butterfly to be seen flying in Britain before winter sets in. There's a possibility that this one will hibernate over the winter emerging in spring for early mating and egg-laying. The back of the wings are very battered in this individual which might be a result of escaping from a bird but could also be a consequence of a summer of fighting with other red admirals. The males defend their territories with great vigour and can often be seen battling fiercely against other intruding males. Not what you might expect from a genteel butterfly!

I love that the orange bars on its wings are nearly the same shade as the flower and make those parts of the wing appear as if they are transparent!

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