St Anthony’s Chapel ruins and Arthur’s Seat

We both felt weary this morning after our childcare duties. However we got the visa forms completed and drove up to Edinburgh. We parked right at the door of the Russian visa centre, and had the same beautiful but grumpy blond take our fingerprints - and another wodge of money. We can collect the passports next Monday. Let’s hope that’s the last of the hassle. (We thought the insurance people would demand more money now Mr C has to have a pacemaker fitted on our return, but no. That’s a relief- if they don’t think it is worth charging for, I shouldn’t be worrying so much about him.)

We drove into Holyrood Park on Queen’s Drive and had our sandwich and a walk in the sun. The Blip is from St Margaret’s Loch - there was quite a bit of iciness still on the volcanic plug of Arthur’s Seat. The park is a wonderful bit of countryside in the centre of the city. According to the Guardian, Edinburgh is the UK city with the most green space.

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