At the end of the day

This is what the NEC looks like at the end of the day when everyone has gone home. It had been very busy all day and we had been part of the throng visiting the Photography Show, with some other Blippers.  Three of us stayed on when the others went home and we were going to meet up at 5pm to start our journeys home.  That was when one of out little group discovered that her mobile phone wasn't where it should be.  So, while she went back into the hall to see if it was anywhere around, everyone else went home and we waited, guarding the bags! Unfortunately the phone was nowhere to be found.  And on it were the train tickets, and the phone number of the person she needed to contact for her lift home from the station...

This all took a bit of sorting out and meanwhile the NEC emptied out...

We are all safely home now and it still remains to be seen if the phone turns up at security tomorrow.  Hope it does.  It has been said that it's not safe to let us out together...

I acquired some glove liners with touch screen friendly finger tips, some printer paper, a strap for carrying my camera across my body and a lens cleaner.  I had my camera cleaned and titivated at the Olympus stand, and I managed to order lunch for seven on my phone app at the pub, except I sent the order to the wrong pub and forgot one of the meals.  Sorry JJ.

Quite a day!  Great to be with Blippers.

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