Shopping AND Cooking!

I think I might be ill.

I have done exercise , shopping AND cooking all in one day. 

Definitely very ill.

I managed another 50 minutes on the bike but not much swimming as my shoulder is still getting worse and 1 armed breast stroke is not easy! So I gave up after about 6 lengths and sat in the hot tub sulking. I even went to the gym IN my cossy knowing I would have trouble getting out of sweaty kit and into a cossy! 
Then I enjoyed a little bit of food shopping. Mr W usually does it or whisks me round the supermarket so fast I miss everything I want to buy! I managed to fill the fridge with healthy stuff and even cooked myself my favourite dinner as Mr W is out for a squash match. He won't eat this - its far too healthy!!

This is one of Jason Vales concoctions - a salsa of an orange, some mango, cherry tomatoes, coriander and spring onions mixed into some fine egg noodles topped with a fresh tuna steak. Literally takes 15 minutes to cook and is de-lic-ous!

I'm not a fan of food blips but I was trying to arty! And its the highlight of my day. 

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