
By HaxSyn

All Change

I don't really have a garden (I live in a block of flats) but there are a few small flower beds in front of the ground floor flats, a couple trees and a couple small pieces of grass, these are looked after by some company (paid for through a factoring company everyone has to pay), they do quite a good job, there are a mixture of bushes, flowers and trees as well as a couple flower tubs, but I was surprised to discover yesterday this flower bed had been completely dug up and replaced by what looks to my uneducated eye as a little "alpine garden" covered in gravel. I'm no expert so maybe they aren't alpines, the plants all look a bit small and insignificant at the moment but hopefully they'll grow and expand to fill in the flower bed and maybe there'll be lots of pretty flowers next year.

Change is always a little disconcerting, even the smallest insignificant little things especially when it's something you see virtually everyday and tend to take for granted.

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