Changed pumpkins

If you look back to my blip for yesterday you will see the collection of pumpkins at my local veg store.I purchased 5 small ones to make a soup/stew out of and I scraped the flesh out as best I could. The remainder of each pumpkin will now go to 5 special little people for their Daddy to carve into pumpkin lanterns. (Well I've done the hard work for him !).

I'm tired now. Done loads of marking today and lots of admin. Walked this pm to collect pupkins, it took me nearly an hour to scoop them out and prepare the stew/soup. I still have 2 sets of books (54) to mark but i think i've had enough for today.

Am off to Leeds tomorrow to see my mum and sister Claire. Then we are away to Doncaster to visit 5 special little people and their parents. Then am staying overnight in Leeds as Mum gets her new chair tomorrow and I am on organisation duties.

Sunday I have Stan 8am - 8pm. We will have fun ! We always do.

Monday will be catching up on marking/ housework day.

Tuesday back in the classroom.

Ho hum.......

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