love is a verb

By loveeveryminute

Finding Beauty

In the discarded. That’s what Lucy was: thrown away. I met her today at our nephew’s barn. He said she just showed up, emaciated, and starving, foot pads raw and abraised as if she had maybe been thrown from a truck onto pavement, or had travelled a long way. A few days after her arrival, she was hit by a car, they suspect. Her left hind leg was badly mangled. They treated it and it is healing but not well. He said she was shy and withdrawn when she arrived. You can’t tell that now! Although still awlfully thinn, she is loving and accepting and grateful for every pat and scratch. That’s what amazes me about animals. They hold few grudges. They live in the NOW and NOW is a very good place for Lucy! She is not letting past trauma diminish her joy NOW! We can learn a lot from our furry friends. Check out the extras. It was hard to choose. xxx
Be blessed.
Feel free to use the finding beauty tag when you find something beautiful. :—)

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