Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Oooh a lid!

Henry is very dribbly and chewing/biting everything tonight, including me. I'll be glad when these teeth are finally through!

I had a good morning at work - sat in on a clinic and randomly got a big cuddle and kiss from one of the patients - a 12yr old boy with Down's syndrome who had ignored me for the whole consultation. It was really interesting and I saw lots of different things - it really is amazing how some families cope with truly awful situations.

Today's blip is Henry figuring out how to take the lid off the breadsticks and help himself. I think he must be coming up to a growth spurt because he's eaten loads for the last 2 days and has had to have a snack before bed as well. He suddenly seems really heavy too - might have to stick him on the scales now he's more confident with standing.

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