'n Kiekie 'n Dag

By Sanri


Tomorrow I'm going to take a bottle of something to work. I can't stand another day of printer hysteria. One thing I can critise the English for (and yes, I know it's not all of you, maybe not even most of you, but boy, the ones that are sure make up for the rest) is that they complain, complain, complain, complain & don't get on with it (except the complaining). The short version: Printer died; IT guy on holiday (don't even go to why there's no one else able enough to help); attempt to set up computer to printer2 not 100% successful. Instead of going to sit at the empty desk 2metres away, with a computer set up to printer2 it's more fun to complain about walking to printer2, putting headed paper into plain tray, walking back to computer, pressing print, walking back to printer2 to get printing, realising you put the headed paper in the wrong way round, putting a new sheet in, repeating previous steps, going back, pressing button to print plain copy, walking back to printer, pick up printing.
Then printer2 started to print 4 copies of everything, or none at all. Even more hysteria.
The reason for not sitting at the empty desk was because "Anne will be back tomorrow". Yes Anne will be back tomorrow, but that's tomorrow. Now the desk is free. The desk next to printer2. The printer already set up.
When I said they can use my machine to print to printer3 also set up for all needed printing (while I took a walk luchtime to look for a blip) I was looked at as if I'm crazy: "We're alright. There's no problem".
If there isn't a f'ing problem, then stop being f'ing hysterical!

Rant over.

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