
By Argent

Rien à faire

Nigel: This pint doesn't taste right.
Mark: Do you want me to try it?
Nigel: Go on then.
Mark: (sips the pint) It tastes all right to me.
Nigel: Not off? Was it the end of the barrel?
Mark: Don't think so. Give it another go.
Nigel: (sips the pint and winces) Are you sure this is all right?
Mark: Do you want me to try it again?
Nigel: You could take it back to the bar and ask them.
Mark: Ask them what?
Nigel: If it's all right.
Mark: You think it tastes off?
Nigel: I don't know, maybe I will go and ask them. (pause)
Mark: What are you waiting for?
Nigel: (prolonged reflection) Godot I expect.
Mark: Is that his name?
Nigel: Definitely
Mark: I don't think you should take it back. Just keep on with it.
         You will get used to it.
Nigel: You think?
Mark: No use being dissatisfied.
Nigel: We are where we are.
Mark: One is what one is.
Nigel: Rien à faire.

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