Journey Through Time

By Sue

It's a Duck

"If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands."

Douglas Adams, British Comic Writer, 1952-2001

Bill and I went for a walk on the Burnt Bridge Creek Trail. I lugged the camera, of course. This trail is strictly utilitarian I think. A nice swath of asphalt trail that is perfect for biking, jogging, walking, but not so great for scenic charm. Near where we park the car, the creek opens to some wider pond-like areas where the ducks like to hang out. I watched this little female mallard preen and scratch and fuss and then she stood tall and flapped those lovely wings. I had the camera in a vertical position so the wing tip was cut off on one side. I sort of evened up the crop to make it balanced. Isn't she pretty? I know, it's a bit out of focus. I like it anyway...

A partly cloudy day with plenty of sun shining right now. I've been re-reading Neal DeGrasse Tyson's book, "Death by Black Hole", a wonderfully readable book about physics and the Universe and such. I like that kind of thing. It's amazing to me that photons are created in the center of our star/sun and then it can take a million years for those photons to work their way out of the sun and land on your back, where it feels so nice on a cool Autumn day.

Hope everything is ducky in your Universe, my friends.

Check in with you later and thanks for dropping by.

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