
I've backed blipped this which gives me the liberty of pushing the narrative forward.

That most modern of catastrophes today, the death of my phone. I'm not a fan of the yesteryear was better brigade, I am a huge fan of my phone.
This little hand held miracle (and I'm often put in mind of 70s scifi) let me access the sum knowledge of man, funny husky videos, my diary, other people's diaries and thousands of contacts. It connects me to people I love and seldom see.
Video calls still make me feel like Buck Rodgers.

But it also contained hundreds of memories. Most are thankfully backed up, but many are not. Astoundingly Samsung say the phone is covered so long as it's not damaged, but I suspect the choice will be phone or memories as on this model the fix will be a reset and lost memories or opening it up to access the memory.
Not really a choice.

So moving forward....
This did spur me on to changing my phone provider etc. We've been with Vodafone for 2 decades, but the signal at our house is atrocious. As I work from home increasingly that's become a problem. (We do know we are in a signal blackspot)
Friends have visited and reported a signal with O2, so after much investigation I changed to Sky, who use O2's network (more of this later). I chose an S7 as I've loved my S6 dearly and the 7 answers my only 2 criticisms of the 6. Even better a substantial discount and Sky were far far cheaper than anyone else (there's a clue here folks....). The process seemed super easy, 20 minutes on the phone and delivery before 10 the next day.
Until the email cancelling my order.
I rang, they'd no idea why, so reordered.
Same again.
And again.
Turns out it's actually the fifth time that's the charm.
Amazingly the phone arrived before 10, but I was working.
Set up was minutes. The phone is a beauty. Except...totally no signal. Nothing. 3 hours with technical and nothing. Their signal map isn't always accurate.
No worries I can use Wi-Fi calling....except Sky don't use that part of O2, their claim that it's exactly the same as O2 in fact means except for all the missing bits.

So contract will be cancelled Monday, and the search will start again.
At least I know I like the phone if not the provider.

Nb, for future reference; Ofcom have an independent coverage checker. It's results are very very different to the individual companies.

Philosophy Friday
The heart, like the mind, has a memory.
And in it are kept the most precious keepsakes.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

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