Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Schnauzers galore!

Steps 7,940

No time for gym today, partly because we lost an hour, but mainly because we had a Big Day Out planned. We were going on a schnauzer walk along with about 40 other schnauzers. What a sight! And sound! Spot Archie! (Extra 1).

We travelled in Elizabeth's car, testing Archie's motion sickness. Beecraigs is a huge big park, and dog friendly. With children's playgrounds, deer, and many walks though forests, it's an ideal place for a Sunday picnic, with or without a dog. We've been there many times on school trips, but it's much more fun with a dog! Or forty dogs.

We all met up, and it was a madhouse of yapping. Gorgeous dogs, all different, but all kinda the same. We met up with Bailey too, and Ralphie, a stud dog in whose honour the walk was held. Many of his 100 puppies were here.

I brought my walking poles to try them out, but I really don’t think they're much help. Besides, they interfered too much with taking photos. The walk was flat, and not too far. And the weather was just right.

Archie was great, saying hello to lots of dogs, but never venturing far. Though he did head straight to the first big muddy puddle and so his groomed look didn’t last long. At one point, Archie was posing for Elizabeth on a huge pile of logs, as is his wont, and everyone was tickled by this, and so they all did it! Archie and Elizabeth could not resist sitting on some colourful machines (Extra 2).

After the walk, we had been invited to visit one of Elizabeth's friends who lived nearby. And there we were treated to prosecco (not the driver) followed by scones, jam and clotted cream! Yum yum! I accidentally had, er, three scones.

A most pleasant day. And Archie wasn’t sick, though he got out and walked the last mile (with JR!) when he was showing signs of possible sickness.

What a grand day out. With clotted cream.

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